Episode 4: A punch of positivity with Anne Matthews, RAc, TCMP, FABORM
You are in for a treat (and a laugh!) as Anne Matthews joins the Day 1 Podcast to talk all things fertility.
One of the only Fellows of the American Board for Oriental Medicine in Ontario, Anne is known by her patients as the magical medicine woman, the acu-wizard and Ontario's own fertility witch doctor. Anne has been a special confidant since Day 1 of starting my own fertility journey. She has a loyal patient base because of her dedication, empathy and true commitment to each and every person who enters her greenhouse-like Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine clinic here in downtown Toronto.
We chat about her passion for advocating for reproductive health and normalizing the conversation around fertility, infertility, labour, loss and menstruation and how she has overcome her own infertility diagnosis after having a 8cm dermoid cyst and subsequent surgery to remove her left ovary and fallopian tube at the age of 18.
Her story is truly remarkable, beating all odds, as Anne was fortunate to have conceived five little humans (with a sprinkling of miscarriages and chemical pregnancies along the way). Anne believes that every fertility journey is unique and deserves to be honoured and spoken about without shame and stigma.
This conversation is funny, raw, informative and passionate - just like Anne - enjoy!
*Please note this episode was recorded on July 7th, 2021